I may not have received my £10,000 ticket to the ARK Gala Dinner - which was William & Kate's first official engagement since they married - but my friend Fiona did. However she didn't forget me (sat at home by the hearth) but got her phone out and took some photos of the flowers for me. Fiona was there representing Hope & Homes for Children, one of the children's charities that ARK's fundraising helps (Over £17m this year ...I hear the raffle tickets were £5,000 each. Not a night to say 'Oh I'll have a strip').
Arriving early she was the first onto the purple carpet and the bank of photographers called out could they take her picture. She smiled and shouted back 'Yes, but I'm not famous you know'. To which they replied 'We know dear, we just want some test shots'!

As it was Fiona made friends with the photographers, in particular the Sun's royal photographer who was one of the few people who got a shot of Colin Firth. He got the call on his phone to say he was arriving and told Fiona to stick with him. She tells me she was so excited she just started running, until he called her back to say 'You don't even know which way we are going yet!' Sadly when she got to see him (he looks even better in the flesh apparently) she was shaking so much she couldn't get her phone out!

So the flowers? Banks of glorious delphiniums and bowls bursting with peonies and roses.