I am in London with my daughter Libby, as today she has an appointment at the London College of Fashion. More than anything Libby wants to be a fashion journalist and this is really the only college she wants to go to. As they have 800 applicants for 35 places, it is going to be a tough day. Still, Libby couldn't have done more; she wrote her book Love Pink, she organised a fashion show at school, she gained work experience on Cosmo and she writes a pink blog! www.lovepinklibbypage.blogspot.com
(And I am pleased to see she has recently added some pink Paris flower shops to it!)

First there is a written test lasting an hour and then an agonising 2 hour wait to see if she will be called for interview, or whether we will be getting the next train home. To kill the time we wander around the nearby Westfield shopping centre. Now, I have something to distract me - as Libby restlessly flits in and out of clothes shops - I loiter around this rather glamorous flower stall.

I love the colours in this bouquet of roses, ranunculus and the striking 'Robin Hood' germini.
But, even these gorgeous flowers can't take my mind off Libby's anxiety and we make our way back to to the college. She disappears into a lecture room, appearing half an hour later to say she has been asked for interview at 3pm. As hers is one of the last names called she is relieved but distinctly frazzled.

It is a very different Libby that emerges from her interview later that day. Her smile would light up a dozen rooms. She's in!
We walk back to our hotel to collect our bags, Libby talking all the way. As we wait for a taxi to take us to the station I can't resist taking a few photos of the hotel flowers (I am sure the staff think I am mad). I love the way they have twisted the bear grass in a big hoop around these tulips.

But enough of pink tulips! Libby and I realise we have not eaten all day as we have both been so nervous. So we raid M&S for a picnic for the train - complete with some pink Champagne to toast Libby's success. Well done Libby!