

Blooming Roses

Few people have the pleasure of being able to walk into work and scoop up armfuls of flowers. You may not get rich as a florist, you may have to get up early, your back will ache and your hands will never seem clean - but there are compensations!
At Ted Martin Flowers the new delivery is piled up on the counter. This is the season of peonies and roses. Fat and blousy, the peonies are a perfect compliment to the bundles of creamy and pale mauve roses. And on the dresser there is a jug of sorbet coloured roses, which look good enough to eat.
I am in the shop collecting flowers that I shall need for a talk I am giving about flower colours and how these can be incorporated in your home to great effect. Farrow & Ball have invited me to join their international colour consultant, Joa Studholme, for the talk, so the two of us will be doing a double act in their showroom in Bath. I will let you know how it goes ...
Before I leave the shop Sarah pins a magenta rose into my old straw hat - I am on my way to collect my florist friend Jennifer (many of you may know Jennifer from my flower books) so we can drive throught the Wyle valley and visit some more of the artists on the Art Trail. We are lucky with the weather and head to the pub at Upton Lovell to sit by the river and enjoy the sunshine. It is the most idyllic spot and we chat away catching up on news, including the fact I have just heard that Kew Gardens have invited me to launch my new garden book there in the summer. If you had told me that would happen a few years ago I would have thought you had been drinking!


  1. Oooh...that jug of flowers is gorgeous.

    Sue xx

  2. I lover these flores! Your blog is awesome!



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