

January 4th

Good Luck, Yorkshire Toffee Queen!

During the years I have spent photographing and writing books about flower shops I have created posies, bouquets - and in this case a jug of old-fashioned candy striped tulips - for just about every 'good luck' and 'congratulations' message you could think of. This virtual flower delivery goes to Ella Riley Sweets who think they may have just clinched a deal to send their fabulous toffee to the USA. (I hear Barack loves to eat toffee as he watches Homeland on a Saturday afternoon in The Oval Office).

One of my favourite 'good luck'  flower deliveries was from a mum to her daughter when she was weighed down with the worry of studying for her exams. Mum would come into the shop, anxious and out of sorts, and order her daughter some flowers to help keep her going. One rainy Wednesday she burst into the shop, oblivious to the weather, and said, 'My daughter has just called me and she told me, 'Mum, you are now talking to Dr Green'.

I have a feeling her daughter will always remember the flowers her mum sent her when she finally passed her exams. (And in case you are wondering ... a posy of plump lemon roses with apple mint and lavender).

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